
We recognize employees for their many years of service to the company. Siltronic, in turn, regularly receives employer awards as a result of market studies.

How we deal with fluctuations

As the semiconductor industry has historically experienced pronounced upswings and downswings and we have to cope with such changes, we pursue a flexible strategy in our personnel planning. This strategy includes covering a certain proportion of production staff in Germany with temporary workers; this also protects the core workforce.

If there are production peaks due to a pronounced upswing, temporary workers are deployed. Accordingly, temporary workers at Siltronic are mainly employed in production. Conversely, if personnel costs need to be reduced due to a downturn, we first reduce the number of temporary employees; if this is not sufficient, the next step is not to extend fixed-term employment contracts. In the third step, we will examine the introduction of short-time working in those areas that are particularly affected by a downturn. In order to react in good time to a significant change in the order situation, the personnel requirements resulting from incoming orders are continuously compared with the current and future headcount.

Planned measures to significantly increase or reduce the number of employees are discussed by representatives of the employer and employees in a structured process.

Supply chain

Commitment to greater sustainability in the value chain.

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