All over the world, wafers made of hyperpure silicon form the basis of the highly complex semiconductor elements driving high voltage applications, low-resistivity circuits for automotive engineering and telecommunications, as well as highly integrated microprocessors and memory components for information processing. Without silicon wafers, everyday objects such as smartphones, computers, navigation systems, and displays, would be inconceivable. At the same time, the demands made on today’s modern wafers are more varied and individual than ever before.
We address these multifaceted demands with our product portfolio and customer-focused processes and we work each and every day to make what is already good just a little bit better.
Internationally positioned and aligned, as one of the leading manufacturers we supply the global semiconductor industry with the highest quality silicon wafers. Employing a workforce of around 4,500 members of staff, Siltronic commands a global network of advanced, leading edge production plants in Asia, Europe and the USA, including today’s most advanced, leading edge production facilities for 200 and 300-mm wafers in Singapore.