Siltronic is committed to various sustainability initiatives to underline its commitment to sustainability and to drive the issue forward together with other stakeholders.

Our voluntary commitments

Sustainable Development Goals

Through our membership at the UN Global Compact, we are also committed to making a contribution to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Siltronic is a member of the industry initiative Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and, as a supplier to the electronics industry, is guided by its Code of Conduct. We also encourage our suppliers to follow the principles of the RBA.

UN Global Compact

Siltronic implements the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative for the protection of human rights, social and environmental standards and the fight against corruption and publishes a Communication on Progress report annually.


Siltronic has been reporting to CDP on climate change and water since 2017. CDP provides the world's largest database of information on companies' climate and water strategies.


Siltronic is a member of RE100, a global corporate initiative that promotes the exclusive use of renewable energies. With its membership, Siltronic is committed to making a contribution to global decarbonization.

German Diversity Charter

We are a signatory to the German Diversity Charter and the IG BCE Equal Opportunities Charter and are therefore committed to actively implementing and promoting equal opportunities and diversity within the company.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an internationally recognized provider of guidelines for the preparation of sustainability reports. It aims to increase the comparability of reports across international borders. Siltronic supports this goal by applying the GRI guidelines to our sustainability reporting.

Annual report

Audited information and key figures on sustainability at Siltronic can be found in our current annual report.

Whistleblower system

Violations of legal requirements or Siltronic guidelines can be reported here – anonymously if necessary.

Guidelines for sustainable action

It is a matter of course for us to comply with local laws and regulations as well as stakeholder expectations at our sites worldwide. Our guidelines also define what ethical and legally compliant behavior means for Siltronic. They also specify procedures and measures to ensure compliance with regulations and prevent compliance violations from being committed. The most important guidelines are listed below:


Code of Conduct

The Code provides a binding framework for responsible and law-abiding behavior. The Code of Conduct deals in particular with the topics of conduct towards one another, leadership as a role model, dealing with business partners, handling information, separation of private and company interests, quality, safety, health and the environment as well as social responsibility and compliance reports.


Legal & Compliance Policy

This internal policy provides employees with a framework for ethical behavior in Siltronic's business environment. Among other things, it addresses combating corruption, avoiding and dealing with conflicts of interest and preventing money laundering. In addition, the policy encourages employees to report compliance incidents and implements procedures and measures for handling information. These include requirements for archiving and storing data and documents, including the duration of storage.


Rules of procedure for compliance reports

This regulation deals with the handling of compliance reports. It orders investigative measures to be taken in the event of a substantiated suspicion of a compliance violation. It also requires the implementation of remedial and preventive measures. It also contains a prohibition of retaliation for compliance violations reported in good faith.


Know Your Business Partner process

The process defined in this internal document is intended to ensure that Siltronic complies with the regulatory and thus also ethical requirements for relationships with business partners.


Human Rights Policy Statement

This declaration of principles illustrates our commitment to respecting human rights, which is already set out in principle in our Code of Conduct. It also serves to ensure compliance with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in accordance with Section 6 (2) of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG).


Environmental Policy Statement

Siltronic is aware of its ecological impacts and dependencies and acknowledges its associated responsibilities. Therefore, we have established principles for implementing active environmental protection, which are outlined in the Siltronic Environmental Policy.


Conflict Minerals Policy Statement

We expect our suppliers not to source conflict materials (such as gold, tantalum, tungsten, cobalt, tin) from mines in relevant conflict regions (according to the Dodd-Frank Act or other applicable laws or regulations), as outlined in our Conflict Minerals Policy Statement.

Employees and business partners are required to follow these guidelines. Internally, this is ensured through training (e.g. regular compliance training) and process regulations.